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Mod Idea/Request - Family of Thieves


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I do not know CK at all so I can't do it. But my daughter and I were talking and we thought it would be awesome if you could turn your little adopted kids into thieves through some form of training or something like that. And if you get married your spouse could work like the families fence and add to the daily income of the store like instead of the 100 a day you get a random amount on top of the 100 depending on the skill of the kids. Maybe it could be dependent on the morals of the spouse if they partake in the family business or if the kids have to hide it from them. If no spouse, or the spouse would not sell, the kids could put the item they "acquired" in the chest with all the other stuff they pick up. With the multiple adoption mod and a decent sized house could run your own little racket and this could defiantly be considered lore friendly or immersive if you think about it. Very much like one of those old movies with all the orphans stealing to make the orphanage owner a rich person. Maybe have the option to send your kids off on little missions to see what they can get in the different holds or cities. Maybe even something where they can get caught and you get a courier telling you what hold they are in in and what you have to pay to get them released. The only issue that I can think of coming up is what ever script ties them to the home in that one. maybe a punishment/reward system for the kids. Could even lead into something along the lines of different ways of treating so you can find that sweet spot where the kids are productive but they still like you. While if you are too harsh they run away from home. Like I said don't know CK at all but based off what I have seen in mods this SEEMS possible to do to me. I personally just wouldn't know where to start.


If anyone thinks they are able to do this or at least give me some tips so I can try to learn how to do it myself. Sadly I have a feeling that this would not be easy to set up and would not be a good first time project lol.

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