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Oblivion HUD and Menu Problem, please help!


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I have NO mods installed. It was working fine a few days ago, and now it's all messed up. I had mods installed before, but then I uninstalled all of them. I reinstalled oblivion twice now.


It still hasn't fixed.


http://i.imgur.com/Rtjk7mR.jpghttp://i.imgur.com/Xw5hH1P.jpgI don't know if this has a simple fix or not, but I could really use some help.

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Your fDefaultFOV setting in Oblivion.ini is something else than default 75. It causes exactly that kind of menus. Make sure you have the following in your Oblivion.ini - if it is something else than 75, set it to 75 (in the Display section):




Hopefully that helps a little. :)


Edit: The FOV change from Oblivion Reloaded seems to fail to set it back to 75 for me and causes that. In case you use OR and wonder what might be causing it.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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I haven't tried it yet, but I do remember typing fov 85 or 90 in the console. I'll be sure to try it out. Thanks!





Edit: Fixed! Thank you so much. I was getting tired of reinstalling and not knowing what the fix was.


I appreciate it. :D

Edited by TheRambro
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