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Modeler needed for simple weapon.


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Hi, I am making a nice simple mod that adds Thunder Sticks from Mad Max: Fury road into New Vegas, and all I need is someone to model a grenade or something that looks as close as possible to

these: http://cinetropolis.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/mad-max-fury-road-6.jpg


on the end of a spear.


I already have the weapons complete, all I need is the model. I will be uploading this to the Nexus, I will absolutely give you credit.

To fit the movie model into the fallout universe it would have to have 3 fission batteries on the end of a spear. Should be simple enough for you modelers!





Edit: Here's footage from the movie if you haven't seen it yet. SPOILERS THO BE CAREFUL: https://youtu.be/sRBu-FxD5W0?t=1m40s

Edited by Jynx104
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