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Merchant Behavior is too paranoid


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Time to learn a bit then :)


If you look at an OMOD-ready archive, there are a series of files which define how the OMOD works.


Take an OMOD which you know has a check for OBSE version in it, and use the export to folder option in OBMM to make it into a folder containing the files. Inside that folder is one called "OMOD conversion data". Open that folder, and there will be a couple of text files and a couple of non-text ones. It's the text files we are looking at.


info.txt tells you which files are in the OMOD - we can ignore that for now.


script.txt will have a set of lines at the top which look something like this:-


IfNot ScriptExtenderNewerThan

Message "This mod requires Oblivion Script Extender v0018 or higher to work." "Warning"




Those are the lines from PiiiP, so you are looking to check whether the lines in the other mod are different. If they are, you may have found your culprit.


And even if not, you have at least learned something :).

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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