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Natural Bodies All in One Problem


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I have a problem for the "Natural Bodies All in One" Mod. It is a good mod, no doubt, but for some reason, only the female character textures are like as shown in the following attachment. The textures for the male characters are perfectly in good working condition. I would kindly request some help on this matter. Thank You
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As the author of NBaio points out in the Description, if you select textures from one mod, and a specular map from another, and body model elements from somewhere else, you'll get results like the ones in your image.


Try selecting the various elements all from the same set first, then varying just one at time so that you can tell which ones work together adequately for your needs. :thumbsup:

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Nice mod but when I install it, almost everybody around apear naked.

Is a config error? how can I fix it?


You have to experiment with NBaio to obtain something you feel is appropriate for your style of play. Your selections apply to ALL unclothed characters of a given race and gender; PC, companions, and any other NPCs. If you have custom (non-BioWare) gear on some characters, you may have to mess around with that to get it working again (it sometimes gets dropped back into your inventory during game load.)


I've seen multiple requests for exactly what the "Thesus Underwear" model for HM does. I guess because totally nude women don't bother them, but totally nude, (aroused) men do? :laugh: (And it really is necessary for the bridge scene in RtO! :tongue: )

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