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"Mods" Tab Question (NMCs Texture Pack)

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I just got my first ever gaming PC (the Alienware Alpha) and just wanted to make sure I'm using the Nexus Mod Manager properly. Please bare with me, as I am really new to all this.


After downloading the FONV script extender and the 4GB launcher, I attempted to download the NMC texture pack. After successfully downloading the two files (for the medium pack), I went to my "Mods" tab to verify it had installed properly and noticed that I don't have any check boxes next to my mods in the Mods tab at all. I have what look like small orange folders.


And what's odd is, the Mods tab is FULL of stuff. But I only downloaded just the three things.


Can someone help me make sure I'm activating mods correctly? That section just looks so much different than the videos I'm seeing online. How do I get the check mark boxes to appear and how can I verify my texture pack is actually installed in the game?


Sorry for such a noob question. Just not sure where else to turn.

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