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A new mod


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Ive always thought a city where there was alot of narrow back alleys would be cool, especaly for those burgler, mugger types.


I think thats what they tried to go for in Balmora, but its too small to work effectively. I tried to make my thief character good enough to jump the gaps between houses a la the start of the Matrix, just to say i could.


In fairness, i think the theives among us (in game, not just plain theives) got a really raw deal from Bethesda. The bounty system makes in incredibly hard to successfully steall something and get away with it. Before you say it, yes, i know you can pick-pocket successfully, but it would have been if the will to attack could be limited to just those who saw you try to nick something from him. Then you could have a proper get away chase, as you just outstrip them to the stilt strider and make a clean getaway. Anyway, sorry about the rant. It might not even be possible with the engine.


Rest assured, if it can be done (checking at the moment) then this feature will be incorporated into the Apex mod (see the sig).

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If you have LOTS of floppies or LOTS of time, you could always "chop" the files with a file chopper...you can get it at www.download.com.

just search for "file chopper" or somethin' like dat !


Just a tip for you newbies that didn't know about this !

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