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somebody please update Jaxonz Utilities.


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the script was updated after Utilities? I'm not really sure how m uch of an issue that is.


I think there's some miscommunication between us and I'm sorry if I'm being difficulte to deal wiht. I have indeed met the requirements of SkyUI and an up-to-date SKSE. just to make htat clear. I'm not having an issue with the mod itself but I'm wondering how viable it would be to use that script to update the moduals that comprise that esp since it's actually a merger of the various linked m ods on that page but some of the versions in the merged file are not in line with the versions of hte individual files.

Edited by tnu
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The file most in control of how things are going to work is Tes5Edit's programmings, any repairs, updates, fixed errors, incorrect things, mistakes made, error on the authors attempts to fix things all come to bare on any other Utilities that rely on it as a whole.


Every time you change things, you need to update other things to match or else...bugs galore take place and things Just will not work at all.

I really don't need top post a history, you can read all about the growing pains of those tools....nothing is as it was then.

But the bottom line is Tes5Edit is the heart of the machine...and it no longer matches the source of the tools your interested in.

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yes but that doesn't seem ot really add up a more up to date merging script should sti ll be able to merge mods that predate it yes? I'm really sorry if I'm bothering you.

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the script was updated after Utilities? I'm not really sure how m uch of an issue that is.


I think there's some miscommunication between us and I'm sorry if I'm being difficulte to deal wiht. I have indeed met the requirements of SkyUI and an up-to-date SKSE. just to make htat clear. I'm not having an issue with the mod itself but I'm wondering how viable it would be to use that script to update the moduals that comprise that esp since it's actually a merger of the various linked m ods on that page but some of the versions in the merged file are not in line with the versions of hte individual files.

each individual file used in the merge will need to be updated in order for that tiny script to work right.

any changes in the last reasonable facts used for the merged processes need to be corrected first.



A Swiss army knife of all those great utility mods.

By popular request, I have combined all of my utilities into a single mod. It is much easier to install one than several, and this also helps those approaching the 255 mod limit.


Jaxonz Utilities includes all of these great mods!


Featured recently by Brodual



  • No DLC required.
  • Fully compatible with DLC and 3rd party mods.
  • All hotkeys can easily be remapped to avoid conflicts.
  • Each constituent mod supports deactivation.
  • There is a known conflict with some follower mods UFO/AFT/EFF/FM. Either install the patches from Renamer or just BASH merge.

Instructions for Existing Jaxonz Users

  • Just install this mod (preferably with NMM or MO) and disable/uninstall replaced Jaxonz mods.
  • Your existing settings will be preserved per game.
  • It is recommended to save your game and clean with Save game script cleaner by Hadoram to purge any orphaned scripts/objects.
  • This latest version removes Jaxonz MCM Kicker and Jaxonz Archery Focus from Jaxonz Utilities and adds Jaxonz Archery Util and Jaxonz Real Names.


  • Please use the Posts tab in for all support/comments/suggestions/complaints. Private messages will just be redirected here.
  • General Utilities topics should use this mod, but please use the links above for support on individual mod functions.
  • By posting publicly, everyone can help you and it helps help build information for others to use.
  • Please read the first page or so of comments before posting your question. Chances are it has been asked and answered already.


Check out Other Great Mods from Jaxonz[/heading][/color]


All Jaxonz mods are professionally coded for stability and high quality.


those need to match today's code so when you use them....the game will work, what is not kept up is the fact Steam updates codes for any thing dealing with the games. we have no control over the updates but you can't not ignore this.


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ok, the problems faced by the team most responsible for the tools that they rely on have been thru a lot, know way more about mistakes made.

but the results have altered the games control files, thus steam has updated the files, the teams has updated how the scripts are used and have been changed. The Unofficial patches them selves have evolved way different that they once were.


all of that relies on Tes5Edits instructions of today.


what ever takes place, to know where and what has changed or why the code won't work if you happen to try it and find out it does not work, this is why.


Discussing it upfront and first hand is better than guessing why things don't work.

The only person that can alter all of this is the author of the tools...we nor can I alter that.

Plus the esp's too listed there....these also need to be updated... it's not just the tool.

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the ESPs are updated in their indi vidual files but I'm assuming y ou mean thay need to ahve the updated versions merged in tot hat merged file in place of hte versions that exist within that merged file?

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that's what I'm tyring to do. I want to unmerge the files in the merged file that are out of date and meerge in the up to date versions. my one concern is handling the BSA's.

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