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In-game screen too large for window

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My new Vegas menu screen is a bit buggy. Its "zoomed" in, ive tried changing resoloution and modifying the .ini files, and the default files. However none of them work and the screen is stubornly stuck.


Picture is with one mod installed, Pandemic


the title is cut off, and the menu is off the screen and my monitor.


Does anyone know a potential fix?

Edited by StormySunrise
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Set the screen resolution to the native resolution of your monitor. And leave it there. You may have to reboot the computer after doing this. I see this kind of thing when someone thinks it will look better at a higher resolution than their monitor actually supports. By setting to the native resolution, your video card will not have to work as hard as it will not be converting on every frame.


Native resolution can be found by looking in the specifications for your monitor.

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