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armor names


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head armor--- helm/helmet :D

neck armor--- gorget :huh:

sholder armor--- pauldron :D

upper arm armor--- rearbrace :huh:

elbow armor--- elbow cop :huh:

hands/wrist armor--- gauntlet/bracer :D

chest armor--- curiass :D

groin armor--- gurth :huh:

upper leg armor--- curase :angry:

knee armor--- polen :huh:

shin armor--- greaves :angry:

foot armor--- saboton :huh:

now some of it they got right but soda pop on greaves for your upper leg

now i know they couldent do all of that but still^

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The fact is, very few of your average fat american gamers actually know what each peice of armor is called, thus- it would be tedious and pointless to put that much detail into it.


Also, morrowind isnt supposed to mimic real life, suppose in the world of tamriel they do use greaves for the upper legs.


Ponder :blink:

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Yes, i realized that as well, about the greaves, perhaps my long nights of playing Diablo 2 has made me more aware of armor types and names... But its also Morrowind, it doesnt even exist on earth, they have words that are not used in our english language, such as Dunmar....so, if they called a house a Rabbit, wouldnt you say something about that?
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