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S.T.A.L.K.E.R mod team needed


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Hi guys, now i asked this few weeks back and did not recieve much of a respone so im asking again.


The basic run down is that im making a mod which implaments: factions, quests(hopefully a big storyline), weapons, armour, buildings(maybe), and possibly something simular to the Emmision system in S.T.A.L.K.E.R(only those who have played the game will understand what i mean by this). Most of these things are all based, or loosly based on things seen in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R series. I can only do so much and am looking for help.


I have so far created the first faction i would like to make which is the Monolith, i have created some of the charicters, and quite a large base for them tucked away near Hoover Dam, scripted some of the dialoge, im also moddeling a smith & wesson M&P 45, i know its not in stalker but i think its a pretty cool gun(i have no idea how to texture it and would appreciate any help or advice).

Now im really looking for anyone who can: create quests or if anyone can link me to a good tutorial, i need someone who can model and texture guns and armour and then be able to put them into the mod, i need someone who is good with scripting genrally anything in GECK, im also looking for anyone else who thinks they could help me out in some way no matter what it be, i will probably need voice actors when the mod nears completion too.


So anyone whos intrested post here, or PM me. if you want more details just ask but the basics have been outlined.


Thanks, LukeyH

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Hi luke, its nice to see a new face on the scene.


Lets get you up to date shall we?

If your working ona stalker mod, you shall wish to speak to my good friend Picknthebanjo, he can be found on these very forums.

However, I feel its quicker I just post the link to his profile :) Here you go.


As for the pistol, post what you have so far, If your not happy to post the file, then simply upload a picture of the model, and we will see what we can do to help you. On a side note, Pickinthebanjo is also the author of a short tutorial on how to get your gun into fallout.


Two birds, one stone. :)


I cannot offer help myself at this time as I have a number of projects on my plate, but I shall stick around and help out with any quesitons you have and glady do some voice acting for you later on.




p.s - dont give up :)

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hey thanks, i have already spoken to pickinthebanjo and am awaiting his reply, as for the model it was to large to attach on here so i will attach a picture bellow




The model still needs a few finishing touches, i have made a full animation of it shooting in 3ds max also(just for fun)


thanks, LukeyH

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Hi luke


Im a blender man myself, so any 3d max work your best to see pickin about.

As for the animation, fallout uses its own animations, I know you can create your own but ive yet to learn how.

your best to import a similar pistol into 3d max, make it scale, and align all the nodes up propperly. Rather than using a custom animation.

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There is a good source of Max modeling and texturing tutorials on the The Elder Scrolls 4 construction wiki since Fallout 3 and New Vegas are based on the same construction tools used to create TES4 the tutorials posted there can be used to create content for F3 & NV.


Modeling Tutorial

Texturing Tutorials


I found them very useful when i was importing my model and textures in to new vegas.

Edited by Pelvic
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What is the problem your having with the pistol exactly? Pistols are fairly easy to get working, you need 4 main parts, body, slide, hammer, trigger. (I use the clip from the 9mm pistol)

From there all you really have to do is import the pieces into nifskope then open up another copy of nifskope and load the 9mm pistol.

From there open the nifskope your parts were imported into and select a piece, copy it's NiTriStrip data block and open the 9mm pistol again and select the piece you had just copied and scroll down in the menu on the bottom of the screen until you find it's NiTriStip data and paste the one you copied over it. Repeat for all pieces then sight it and it should be ready.

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