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There are only 4 games here I support in public ,Oblivian I have not so far but have on steam networks.

Sky things? well kind simple really...get past all the hoops and jumps.

OB is root for all 4 games.

NV has most of Fo3 in it so it's really easy. Engines responds differently...more-stable than predecessors Not responds the same none the less.

all of them do.


A way to look at the code , sort of is like this...a noun is taught to be a "person, place, or thing" so that's 3 ways an object can be effected in the code.

a complaint about a place...is an adjective..a targeted spot with in the matrix of code, it's specific and can not be altered too much.


The root, is the main esm. always. Things loading after wards effect how it responds on screen, but the spots are all from the root.


you want an apple off that tree? well shake the tree and it does what? falls Downwards...Nu-tans law. Can't Pronounce his name.

Masters are always near or at the top of that tree.

tree trimmers, at at the bottom shaking the tree's.


lot's of apples fall. Trick is to catch them before they hit you.

Tree's have branches, many of them. I love tree's.


Some times even dead ones look cool.

Yeah another reason I love Fallout New Vegas is its more mod friendlier than 3.

I also really need to get Oblivion soon.

Edited by Claylex
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