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DAMM - Problem with addins.xml file


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Guys, i have problem with DAMM. I've just reinstalled DA:O on my PC and wanted to reinstall mods, too. But now when I try to run DAMM, there's an error window where u can see: 'An error has occured while reading the Addins.xml. Can't find the ...\My Documents\Bioware\Dragon Age\Settings\Addins.xml file.'

Anyone knows what should I do?

Edited by pd32
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Welcome, pd32!


Sorry to hear your having a problem. I like DAMM a lot and have been using it for almost a year now.


First thing I'd do is check and re-set all the paths to the various DA elements that DAMM uses.


They are set from the "Options" tab, the last one on the right. (I didn't highlight it because this screenshot was originally for a different purpose.)




Open that, and select each of the items, re-designating the paths manually (even if it's to the exact same location.)


If that doesn't do it, then I'd uniinstall/re-install DAMM itself.


Let us know if you get it sorted. :thumbsup:

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