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I am trying to create my own class for dragon age origins. so far I have this

#include "utility_h"

#include "wrappers_h"

#include "events_h"

void main()


event ev = GetCurrentEvent();

int nEvent =GetEventType(ev);

Log_Events("", ev);

switch (nEvent)



// Sent by: The engine

// When: The module loads from a save

game, or for the first time. This event can fire more than

// once for a single module or game



when i save this i get the following.

I: 22:50:13 - loaddread.nss - The resource "loaddread.nss" has been saved.

I: 22:50:13 - Offers.xml file has been updated successfully.

I: 22:50:13 - AddIns.xml file has been updated successfully.

I: 22:50:13 - Generated the campaign file.

W: 22:50:13 - No starting area specified for campaign.

I: 22:50:13 - Compile failed

E: 22:50:13 - loaddread.nss - loaddread.nss(14): No semicolon after expression

I: 22:50:13 - Compiling loaddread.nss...


I can not figure out the E: 22:50:13 - loaddread.nss - loaddread.nss(14): No semicolon after expression. i have done everything and still can not get it to fix the error if anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it.

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