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Problem with Saxony_Porcelain's "Pretty Faces" Mod

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Hello. I've PM'ed the mod's author about this but I figured I'd ask here, as well, in case somebody knows the answer before he/she answers, or maybe even he/she doesn't know the answer and somebody on here does instead.


Basically, I installed this mod a while ago but have always had problems with it. Whenever I use one of the preset faces, and even if I change a lot of the settings, like hair or skin complexion or nose structure or ANYTHING, the faces look like these dark-grey ghostlike figures with a big jagged line going through the face. Kind of like this:




I'm wondering how I can go about solving this issue? I downloaded the compatibility pack and tried using that instead, but all that has done has made my game WORSE: whenever I try to create a new character and slide over any of the preset faces using the slider in the character creation menu the game locks up and eventually crashes.


What can I do to solve this issue? Thank you very much!

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My guess: Either some required textures are missing completely, or you haven't merged ALL the CC settings for ALL your facemorph mods into the chargenmorphcfg.xml file.


Thanks for the fast reply! :)


How would I go about solving both of these issues???

If it's the first, read the Description/Readme/Instructions for "Pretty Faces", and see what additional mods might be needed to get it working correctly.


If it's the second, this might help: "Using DA Mods for Dummies".


let us know what you find out. :thumbsup:

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