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Super Transformation Mod HELP!


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I would like to make a mod that adds a power to Skyrim with similar effects to that of the Super Saiyan transformation from Dragon Ball Z. But, I wouldn't know where to start...


What I would like the mod to do:


1. Increase Damage dealt by One Handed, Two Handed, Unarmed, and Destruction Spell attacks.

2. Change hair color to Gold/Yellow. (This is probably the hardest thing to do.)

3. Have everything revert back to normal after about five minutes.

4. Use the master spell animation when casting.

5. Change the in-menu description. (Instead of it saying "Increase destruction damage by 200%" it would say "Unlock your true power".)


I would possibly have a quest to obtain the power as well, but I understand that quest scripting is rather complicated.


I have a basic understanding of the Skyrim Creation Kit and have watched YouTube tutorials.


If anyone knows how to do the things listed I would be very grateful if you shared your knowledge with me. :smile:


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