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Custom Weapon mods for fallout nv Lets play!


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So Im currently gonna try and do a new vegas lets play!

(Yea yea, I know its been done 100+ times but new vegas is a great game)


and was wondering if anyone would help me bring two weapon mods into fallout new vegas! now the only downside...which I know im probably gonna get ALOT of hate for is...well I wanted them to be made for the style of MLP (My little pony)


BUT HOLD ON! Please hear me out! Thats all I ask, I only want to make people laugh and smile, I dont want to be someone who just wants it because I want it, I want people to look at my lets play and maybe get a laugh, because im running around as vinyl scratch blasting people with my "Wubs" or running around with twilight and her "Twilicane" and going "Friendship is magic, when covered with your blood"


Thats all I want is to make people laugh, that's the main reason I wanted to do youtube, is because of making people laugh, not for the popularity, the money (None to any at all) Ill get in the future if I do become big, I want people to just have a good time while watching my video's or playing games with me...S


Now onto the weapons... Im not looking for much, Just two things


1. Pinkie Pie's Party cannon!


2. Vinyl Scratch's Dubstep Cannon!


Im not gonna be all "Well I want this, that and oh add this" No I love seeing the mod creator have freedom! So if your willing to take this "Mod request" Please lemme know, I will give all and EVERY single bit of credit, You can model it how you like, you can add custom sound for it, I dont mind, I wanna see what you come up with! I just want the name is all x3. But if you do read this and would love to help me out, comment below (If you can) or send me a PM!



Thank you for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day!

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