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Not another override question

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I know there's a lot of override questions on the forums and I looked through quite a few of them, but most of what I got was people putting it in the wrong documents folder. So if this has been answered please direct me to the post.


I have a

C: Windows (40GB)

E: Games and Programs (300GB)


I have been able to get mods to work through the Documents folder, but I'm running out of room quick.


I came across JB Texture mod and it stated that I need to put it in my actual game folder, C:\Program Files\Dragon Age\packages\core\ which would actually be E:\Dragon Age\packages\core on my system. I was simply wondering if I would have trouble by simply putting everything in my E: game directory override as opposed to my Documents override. I assume that's asking too much, but it would sure make my day if it worked.


If not, is there a work around to make my computer gather gather all the mods from my E: drive?


I'm using DA Ultimate Edition Retail



Dragon Age Redesigned

More Hairstyles

Natural Bodies

Pineappletrees Vibrant Colors

Rescaled Corrupted Spider

Sacred Ashes Faces

Ser Gilmore Recruitable NPC

No Kill Steal

No Follower Auto Level

Expanded Inventory

Extra Dog Slot

Dual Wield 2h Weapons

Grey Warden Runic Armor

The Phoenix Armory

25 Tactic Slots

Agony Weapon Pack

Bul Kathos Children

jojjo weapons

Kilgorin Sword of Darkness

Special Mage Items

Sword of Darksouls

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Glad you found our old discussion helpful. (Man, I was laughing all over again at some of the stuff in that thread!)


But basically, you can put the files wherever you want, as long as you properly tell both Windows and the game where to expect to find them. :thumbsup:

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