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Non Shiny Stalhrim Armor Mod Request


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Im trying to find a good stalhrim armor alternatives because the vanilla is so shiny when morning outdoors, but unfortunately I didnt find anything, so Im here to request about it, I think its not that bad to make a replacer for the armor set?


also can anyone add a fur hood for it? please or adjust the texture color of this one: it is not fir with the color of the armor.

Edited by CyranGE
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I use a couple of mods for Stalhrim weapons and armour:


1. Stalhrim Extra Crafting (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33368/?)

-- for a few extra options


2. Spooky Edits - Darker

Stalhrim Armor and Weapons (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/63709/?) -- It removes that horrible baby-blue colour and reduces the shine and adds a slight reflection effect. This is a really underrated mod IMO, and possibly the best retexture of the Stalhrim set. If you're going to use the helmet replacers below FIRST INSTALL THIS ONE.



3. Stalhrim Helmet Replacer (www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/40696/?) -- Use both helmet replacers and your Dovakin won't look like a blue or have to turn sideways to walk through narrow passages. To use this with the above mod you have to extract ONLY THE MESHES folder from the .bsa and OVERWRITE the above meshes.


EDIT: Sorry about the manual links, posting from phone. :)

Edited by moose109
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