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Dawnguard armor variant mod request?


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Anyone anyone anyone, can you help me?
I discovered that there are 3 variations for Dawnguard "Light" Armor but still I didnt see the one I need, so here's my request edit this Gunmar's armor (Dawnguard Armor Variation 3) http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Gunmar
and add a sleeve on the armor and pauldron like Celann's armor http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Celann

but only for the right side, leave the left side sleeveless, so the output will be like Fairy Tail Natsu's outfit. . . it is really fir for my character :smile: and lastly add fur on the neck part hahahah, the fur is optional :)

Edited by CyranGE
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you might be able to do that yourself with just the creation kit and the light dawnguard. as for your fir check Cloaks of Skyrim and Winter is coming. both have fur collars that can be worn with any armor set (clipping may occur)

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