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Noob Saibot Armor ?


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"Good news everyone !"


Your all favorite idea-giver (- ...yeah I cnow its not true but, Hey ! Need to focus on positives right ? -) have a brand new idea about an armor.

How about an armor with an appearance of that of the up-comming new "Mortal Kombat" game character Noob-Saibot ?

You cnow black skin, white eyes etc.


Why ? Cos he looks like freaggin death incarnate and im not talking about these shitty looking shinigamis from bleach with a middle-aged japan funeral uniforms .

(No offense for the fans of the Bleach series intended -since im one of them...) .

Im talking about the real dark cold death with all its fearsome power and splendor !


The abilities of an armor might be that of unlocking (for every class -if that is even possible- ) Blood-Mage Spec. I think it suits Noob quite nicely.


For the materials of how does he looks now in the new MK check-out this Trailer of (hes) gameplay :



And please can someone upload the ready files and instruction what to do with them (better one than these posted on official wikia site) of the DA:O Toolset

So I might stop asking for such things and simply do the myself...


THX for wasting your life-time on this Topic XD...

Edited by Sarenis
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