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Editing NIF files


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I have problems to edit NIF files.


I'm using NifSkope to edit the files.

Well, I would like to add a mache of a body of a character in a suit of armor, I open the file "femaleupperbody.nif" and I export in OBJ format. Then I open the armor I would like to add the meche, then go to import, and import the OBJ Meche.

The meche and the texture appears in NifSkope and I save then, I open the game, but to use the armor, the skin textures do not appear making the character runs out of body!


What am I doing wrong to import the body?


Exporting the body I get an error saying that OBJ does not support "skin".

Is there any way to avoid this error?


The NifSkope exports only in OBJ.


Sorry my bad English.

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You need to right click the body mesh and select block -> copy branch, then you go to the armor and right click scene root -> block -> paste branch. Save and you're done! No import or export needed.
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