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Nuka Chemist Expanded - Suggestions wanted!


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Well, I have officially gotten permission from AfroSlayer to use his textures. Which means, with a bit of tinkering, this very well might see a release sometime. I am thinking of doing different Sunset drinks sometime though - the trouble is, the present texture is rather small. I'm trying to make an enhanced texture, but it's a process I'm not the best with.


So yeah. A status update. Woot.

My Idea for a New Sunset Drink


Sunset Spice

That Delicious Sunset Sarsaparilla Taste, with a little kick. Made with a small bit of Jalapeno!

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At present, my "planned sodas" include Birch Beer, Root Beer, Cream Soda, Sunset with Menthe, Sunset with Cinnamon, Sunset with Honey, Ginger Ale, and Chutzpah!. The Spice probably falls roughly in line with the Cinnamon. These ones won't be made until either A.) I make a better texture, or B.) Someone else makes a better texture and allows me to use it.


Right now the only affect I have is with the Chutzpah - increased Luck chance. The Nuka drinks currently have these effects...


Black - Increased Strength, Increased Melee Damage

Burst - Increased Agility, Regenerate AP (3, 10s)

Cherry - Increased Intelligence, Weapon Spread Reduced

Clear - Increased Perception, Restore Rads

Frost - Increased Charisma, No Dehydration

Fusion - +2 ST, +2 PE, -2 CH, -2 IN, +2 AG

Heat - Increased Endurance, Fire Resistance

Indi-Glo - Increased Poison Resistance, Cures Poison

(Quantum) - Major Sleep Restore, Turbo Effect

(Quartz) - Low-Light Vision, Increased DT

(Victory) - Increased AP, Reduced Perception


The Quantum I wanted to redo, as they made Victory to act like Quantum used to. So in a sense, Quantum became redundant. I picture Quantum as heavily caffeinated - so much so that it seems the whole world slows down in front of you. Clear is a more "pure" version, and unaffected by the rads, and it makes things more "clear" too. Frost gives you that minty fresh breath - something that the Sunset with Menthe would do also. My thinking with Heat is if you can handle it, you can handle a lot more. And Indi-Glo is mine.


What I need to think of now is how to make Victory more balanced, and balanced effects for the Sunset drinks.

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