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distant land textures


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hello i need some help with a mod i'm making


i created a new world

i did some landscaping an put some houses on it.


but when i cheked it out there was no distant land (I kind of expected that) but i don't know how to ad or activate the distand land.


i hope some one can help 'cause it realy suck's without the land.


thnx in advantage.

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One of the options under "world" is "generate LOD".


First, save your mod, generating LODs is one of those things that occasionally crashes the CS. Second, make sure you're in your worldspace, and that the worldspace doesn't have tamriel as its parent. Third, generate the LODs, make sure you've finished all your major terrain stuff beforehand, this may take several minutes. If the CS doesn't crash, save your mod again. Hopefully some LOD terrains were created, and now sit in a folder, linked to your mod. If not, you may need to link them by editing the worldspace (not sure on this one).


Then test. Hopefully you end up with something, if not, keep playing around with it.

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