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How Do You Add A New Spell To Oblivion?


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Hi everyone,

I'm not exactly sure how to add a new spell to Oblivion. I didn't see any tutorials on how to add a new spell to a vendor or how to add it to a tome. Could someone help me and tell me how to add a new spell to the game or how to add it to a book tome to learn it? I would really appreciate the help, thanks in advance.

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When I tried adding a new spell to an existing vendor, it didn't show up, implying that added spells may only be given to new/first-load NPCs. Not entirely sure about this, though, as the NPC I added it to was in a mod, and the change in another mod.


Having a spell added by a book, however, should be simple:

begin OnActivate
player.addspell MySpell

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