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Stores chain


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As for location, there are tons of non-buildings in areas like Freeside, and unused houses around some of the smaller towns. You know, those disappointing buildings you run up to looking for a door, only to have it boarded up? I haven't played a lot of world changing mods, but from what I've seen not many people are using these buildings. All you'd have to do is dress up the exterior a bit (since someone moved in of course!) and create an interior.


And if you can't find a store front, like out in the small towns, just use the houses anyway. Just say hey, there was a need, and someone bought the house because the town needed the caps. This way you wouldn't have to create as many extra buildings in the world as there are many barricaded exteriors already. There'd be a much smaller chance of conflicting with other mods, while also making the wasteland seem a little less destroyed.

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