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Strange ESM Behaviour

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I have an esp consisting of a number of merged plugins including a worldspace. As an esp everything is fine and stable, 100s of npc's going about their business and quests running when appropriate. As soon as I convert to an esm all the NPC's stay by their editor locations in the houses and never come out - essentially no packages run. Anybody got any ideas??


Also I generated a new LOD which is fine and dandy but only works as loose files not when i place the files in the bsa.

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How did you convert to ESM? The only workable method is toggling ESM flag in TES4 header using TES5Edit, others like Wrye Bash esmify function should not be used on real plugins.

Edited by zilav
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I can't remember whether I tried the TES5Edit option - will give it a go, thanks.


No - made no difference, still same issue - npc's stay at home.

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Thanks for this, interesting, I will set the persistent location on a few NPCs and see if they will move out of there houses.


No, made no difference, allthough it is nice to know there are potential issues with PCs in esm's that don't occur in esp's. I think I will take the approach of if it ain't broke don't fix it, it doesn't need to be an esm.

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