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Spawning mod items ingame


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As you guys know, some mod items are designed to appear on new characters or new saves, but ive got a few chars where ive deleted the items or theyve not appeared at all, now is there an easy way to get them to re-appear in my inventory, the mods im on about are the Black Runic Warden armor and the Cousland armor & weapons. the RW armor never appeared and i deleted or sold the couseland stuff and cant get it back


Ive tried saving with the mods off and then turning them on but that hasnt worked

Edited by shinobi2204
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Heyas Shinobi :)


http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1825 tho I havent tried it. It looks like it might be a tad bit complex.


Myself, I just prefer to create console add item scripts for them. Tho, that requires being able to use the dragon age toolset, and hunting thru the mod files, in order to find the filenames of the items so that they can be added via script. Which means opening up the mod's .erf files in the toolset.

Those are usually located in documents/bioware/dragonage/addins




the script itself is really easy. jsut go to file/new/script in the toolset menu. Then name the script whatever you want to have to type in the console to make it run. Like if I wanted to have to type in runscript addstuff I'd name the script addstuff.

then copy and paste this EXACTLY as it is in the code box-

   #include "utility_h"

void main()
   UT_AddItemToInventory(R"dw_mage_ring01.uti", 1);
//  UT_AddItemToInventory(R"dw_mage_ring02.uti", 1);
//  UT_AddItemToInventory(R"dw_mage_necklace.uti", 1);
//  UT_AddItemToInventory(R"dw_mage_belt.uti", 1);
//  UT_AddItemToInventory(R"dw_mage_staff.uti", 1);

All you need to do is then change the name of the uti file to use. for instance "dw_mage_ring01.uti" to read "whatever_sword_name.uti"

If you want to add more than one item, just remove the comments from the next line down (the // marks) but remember to space the line out properly) then change that uti name there too. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

Then go up to tools/compile script.

then wait a min for it to compile it, then check the box at the bottom to make sure that there weren't any errors.

Once it's error free, go over to the row of icons, one has a scroll on it that reads "Scripts". Click that, then type the name of your script in the search box. Then once it's found, right click on it, and choose export without dependancies.

Then go to your export folder (that box in the bottom will tell you where) and copy and paste the .nss and .ncs files the toolset made, to your override folder.

Then just activate the console and type in runscript "whatever" and hit the enter key.


For the console- http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Console


Hope one of those helps :)

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