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New Epic Beasts


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I have been playing Skyrim for quite a while now.So far I enjoy the game but I do feel it lacks some good challenges.In my opinion there should epic beasts like giant flaming phoenixs,gynormus black turtles,the epic ice Wyrm Dragon,Minotaur, Centaurs (skilled in onehanded and archery),the Hydra,the giant white tiger and so on.....


Here is my description of the most op epic creatures I want as mod in the game.....


The giant Nirvana Phoenix: Can spawn at any temple in skyrim.It has a dazzling flaming body(you Modders can figure out the details). It specializes in rapid restoration of health and can do the following attacks Fire Breath,Lightning (while flying),rapid aerial dive onto the player causing knock back and as mentioned earlier it can regenerate it's health in battle rapidly.


The Great Ice Wyrm Dragon :It can spawn in the mountains of the northernmost part of skyrim.It has a body ice.It doesn't have wings to fly rather it levitates in the sky in fling position like other dragons.It's dragon soul can't be absorbed.It specialises in super speed attacks.It can do the following attacks Blizzard,Ice Breath,bite, Having 4 hands it can use a fury of claw attacks with knock back.As speed is its speciality it can quickly move aside from player attacks.Consider it a modified Ice wreath just huge and can wreck the he'll out of you!!!


The Gynormous Black Turtle : It will only appear in the polar caps near winter hold, you know the north east part of the Winter hold college where lies the river.It has huge and greatly defensive shell protecting it.It's mobility is low but it's defense is high enough to tackle that.It can bite the target,stomp on the ground to shake the area causing knock back, It's feet will be big enough to do crushing damage on the target with them and sometimes it can shoot ice spikes from all directions from its shell!!


The Giant White Tiger: Can spawn anywhere any when on the plains.It can speed attack with its razor sharp claws or plunge it's teeth straight into the targets flesh!!Evasion is its specialit---quick attack quick dodge.I'm not talking about a small old sabre toothed tiger here.The one is king sized with white fur.


The Hydra : you must have already figured out what I want to say.Cut one head two will grow in its place.Can breathe fire.The only weak spot(I mean not regenerative part of it) is the body.Moreover cutting through the hydras body will pour acid blood on the player causing potential damage to health.Other than fire breath it can multi bite with its multi heads.Not to be included as a dragon.


The Minotaur can weild heavy weapons and heavy armor having great strength. The Centaurs can do the hit and run tactics against the target with their archery skills or engage them with swords in melee combat with proper armor.


A few more additional monsters I can think of (normal) Eagle Warriors (birdmen in ancient ruins), Giant stone cyclops(bigger than the normal giants in skyrim with electrical attack resistance),Flying Wyverns (miniature dragons don't give dragon souls ) and last but not the least giant snakes.


Can someone please make a mod comprising of these creatures please. I would greatly appreciate it if you do thanks. Even more helpful would it be if you can merge it monsters reborn mod. I will be waiting your replies.Thanks :)

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