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Skills for life.


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edit: sorry for typo's and what not - also, check out my first `real,' texture work as an attachment =D




Hello guys, how are you today?


Good. Now shutup!

aha, Im joking, relax. We are all friends here.:thumbsup:



So today im here to convince you to learn a new skill.Well, not really to convince you, not to make a better person out of you.

No, more like, well, asking you to reconsider your options.



This is not some soppy tale, It relates to modding And skill sets. In a small sense, It relates to life.


It was nearly two months ago when I first heard the release of Shogun Two total war. A game I have been waiting for almost as long as I have been waiting for Rome Total war two....(still waiting on that one >.<). I work for a living, so getting the money is simply a case of earning the money. You get in what you get out. Now, im going to put this on the table here. I hate my job.

As in, I wake up and count how many days until I get off work. thats a bad job kids.

So I put the hours in, I was about to pre-order.......


When suddenly I open up blender and start to work on a small model, just a tiny project. A helmet.

I figure `its better than spending money and not getting anything,'. In a way I like to think I was correct.

This is around the date steam started to offer pre-orders of S2TW and belive me, I feel like im missing out at this point.


The days go by, I keep putting it off.

I keep working on my models. I get so far one day its insane. I made a set of samurai armor in blender.

Im talking, Badass - chestplate, cloth arms and legs..... heck I think I made the sandles on those things.

I get to uving that thing. man it felt like forever.

I pop a simple UV map into photoshop. I am so excited at this point, Im going to make it. Im going to be one of the best modders by the end of this! So proud of myself. You know what comes next.


I'm stuck in photoshop now. I have my uvmaps. I Know what I want it to look like. I know what I want the feeling to be.

Its not the best model, I am still new to modeling....its not great, its not fantastic, But this armor is my best work so far.

Its 8:40-something(its a real time in england) Im tired. Tired on my day off.

Ive been in photoshop for two hours and all I have to show for it is a chest plate that looks like a block of cream with black sticks on it.

My texture sucks! I hate it, Was all this really for nothing?


I rage quit. The first time in, well, The first time since I was 15 I think, a program gets the better of me and I rage quit.

I close my work in blender, I did not save ONCE. Im not angry. Not annoyed at not saving. I loved making the armor.

I felt annoyed at myself, To come so far and face a wall I had no experience with.

I did not start out knowing how to model, I was am such a noob moddeler its a laugh. I love what I do. :rolleyes:


So, I spent my money for STW2 and spent it on a book.

Its called `3D Game textures,' "Create professional game art using photoshop"

Im in love with this book and I only got it in the post 40 minutes ago... Its not going to make me a fantastic texture artist, However im convinced that once I try some of his methods. I Will be pumping out fantastic models instead of badly textured mishapen looking things.




I got fed up with not being able to produce anything worth while.

I got fed up of not being proud of my work.

I spent money on a book.

I think im going to make something off myself, and learn to enjoy my hobby even more!



My point?


The skills I have learned from this communtiy are vast.

I think, even those of us who are new, or those of us who are old dogs, enjoy the sense of community this nexus has.

I belive in a community we need highly skilled people to support us and make us strong.

So, instead of aksing someone to make a mod, attempt to do so yourself.

Instead of wishing someone is going to give you something.

Pick up a book.



This post is longwinded. and tells a dull story of a dull event.

But hopefully I inspire 1 person, to rea d a guide, buy a book, or even just help out in the community.


Thats all,


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Long post. Typo errors. But a good intention. And hence a good post! :thumbsup:
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