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Mirror's Edge 2 is still on


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Okay I love Mirror's Edge, it was a very awesome game but when I heard of rumors of the sequel being canceled, I'd got suspicious. Now I found out that my gut was right, Mirror's Edge 2 is still in the works and it is confirmed by EA.




So yay!

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I always felt the mechanics where a bit clunky and there was a forced path (unlike Portal). I would like it if they made it a bit open more. It doesn't stop me from hating the game. Edited by brokenergy
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IMO there are a few things that have to be improved to make the second game a succes


1. Combat. In this case less is more. In the first game there were several moments where it was pretty much impossible to run past the guards without killing them or knocking them out first, otherwise you'd die. So it's too bad the combat mechanics felt clunky. Firing guns didn't feel good, and the timed disarming was frustrating if you got it wrong. The whole forced combat just breaks the flow of the game. I'd rather keep running.


2. The levels. As you said, they could be more open. An open city with full free-roaming would be great, but just a little more openness would already help a lot.


3. Story. The story was kinda weak, could be better.

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Yeah, but remember, even a pistol is still heavy. Ever handled a 9mm or similar? It's not exactly uncarriable, but even holstered, can become quite a weight. The very essence of being a runner is being as fast as possible, so even just 1 or 2 kgs extra can make all the difference to them.
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