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is there a conflict detector?


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hi all.


Is there a conflct detector for use to check the dragon age mods with?


I ask this as I read in some forum post, the other day, that someone wrote, "I checked the mods in the conflict detector and there were mods in the sapphos family that conflcted with each other" [no, they do not conflict, the reply says!]


I could not seem to find such a utility. probably hidden as part of another utility.


so please, is there one?!



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Hey freestonew;


Short answer: Nope. Mods for DA don't works the same way as for Oblivion. There isn't really a "load order" (or even a loader, for that matter.)


There *is* a specifc order in which the game engine will search for specific files when it needs them. When it finds an appropriately named one, it stops searching and uses that one. The "\override" folder found in the specified path (usually "\[user's documents]\Bioware\Dragon Age") for the currently logged-on player has priority over any other location, but only for the types of files that the engine expects *might* be found there. (It doesn't search there for a .dll or anything like that.)


Any two mods might try to make changes to the exact same elements of the game. Best case, one will work. Worst case, game crashes.


You might like to take a look at this: "Using DA Mods for Dummies". :thumbsup:

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