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Stuck in 3rd person


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Like it says im stuck in 3rd person, i can use my hotkey to go back to 1st person but i can see my lower body. I have no mods that do that for or to me. And when i talk to people it throws me back to 3rd mode. I installed oblivion reloaded recently that is all.


I am quite puzzled by this bug up i have managed to cause. Please help and great thanks.

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Maybe another mod is conflicting, then... I have no idea. I have played a bit to test if it would happen to me, but with OR and the camera mode disabled, it does not. At least I have not noticed it. Do you have any mods that could conflict with something? A bit vague, but I honestly do not know what could cause it. Maybe a load order could help. And also, do you use anything like Unnecessary Violence, Deadly Reflexes or CameraCommands? The OR page has a list of incompatibilities that might be a good place to start. If it is not something directly touching first-person, maybe it is something that also modifies the complete camera system that could conflict?


This is odd. No one else seems to have reported it, so it is probably a conflict. Maybe.

Edited by PhilippePetain
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