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UFO Game Crash at 8 O'Clock SOS Send Help Technical Issue


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I'm using the Mods:
Long War 15f
Enhanced Name List
Enhanced Soldier Nicknames
Graphic boost with latest SweetFX 151
Patrick the Plumber- Carlock
XCOM EW Map pack

No matter what I do my game crashes at the same time. I finish the mission or if I abort the mission I'm on. At 8:10 or 8:20 after the mission is over and I'm back at base the game crashes. It might help to know that there is a UFO around America at the time, if I intercept it or let it fly around the game crashes either way.

I can add the save file if someone wants to test it out but I just want to know if there is a way to fix it. I don't have any more saves farther back. It just thought it would act differently if I acted differently in the mission but I don't think the game works that way. I'm just hoping if I make a new save it doesn't crash at some point down the line during the same action.

Any thoughts, ideas, help... help please?

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Long War bug reports should be posted in the appropriate Beta Feedback thread in the "Long War" download page "forum section" for a quick response. (The LW Team has stated they don't check the main forum at all anymore for problems. Really, the dev team is the most likely to be able to help with a LW issue but anyone else who can also will be there.)


You may also find that the answer is already known and posted in that section.

Be sure to read the document included with the LW download on reporting bugs. They need all the information requested there to be able to help. If they can't reproduce the problem, they can't fix it.


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It might be the map pack.. Have you tried removing it?


When I was playing around with the map pack I had some game crashes / freezes, but it went away after I disabled the pack

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