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Where is that really good Riot shield I saw in one of Als video?!


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In one of Als videos, he uses a REALLY good riot shield. Theres a shield in one of the riot gear mods that made of metal and what not. But this one was glass and looked so freaking legit! It probably yanked the visor out of the vault security helmet and reshaped it: a real genius bit of ingenuity that. So where did it go!? I cannot find the thing for the life of me!!! Am I just crazy or has someone else seen it?! If it doesnt exist Already, it would be so easy to try and recreate. You would just need to find that helmet somewhere in the game files and reshape it, maybe use a police baton for the handle.

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Well, I suppose my legion scutum could be given a transparent texture if you're bored.

I'v loved all your work Moraelin, you'v brought a wealth of great assets to the game.....but I can't seem to track down the legion scutum. Could you link to it for me, I'd like to take a peek at it. It would be nice to have a riot shield for FO.


tangentially related, it'd also be great to have a more practical impact on the game than a simple DT addition if the shield is equipped. There's was a NVSE function (I believe) for determining a characters current animation (can't recall it at the moment, but getKeyPress would also work if it's in relation only to the player). I think it would be interesting to have a modest DT bonus for the shield when it's equipped but a more substantial DT bonus when the character defends (melee block) to simulate the way a real shield would work. There might be some additional code like some trig functions to determine if the attacker was in the correct arc/attacking angle for the shield to be effective.


But if workable I think that would make an interesting game/play mechanic.

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Well, I suppose my legion scutum could be given a transparent texture if you're bored.

I'v loved all your work Moraelin, you'v brought a wealth of great assets to the game.....but I can't seem to track down the legion scutum. Could you link to it for me, I'd like to take a peek at it. It would be nice to have a riot shield for FO.


tangentially related, it'd also be great to have a more practical impact on the game than a simple DT addition if the shield is equipped. There's was a NVSE function (I believe) for determining a characters current animation (can't recall it at the moment, but getKeyPress would also work if it's in relation only to the player). I think it would be interesting to have a modest DT bonus for the shield when it's equipped but a more substantial DT bonus when the character defends (melee block) to simulate the way a real shield would work. There might be some additional code like some trig functions to determine if the attacker was in the correct arc/attacking angle for the shield to be effective.


But if workable I think that would make an interesting game/play mechanic.


I had it open in a tab when trying to find the mod the OP mentioned:



One of the riot shield in CNR (Caesars New Regime) is done as a weapon (with a machete) so when the shield is hit the weapon condition takes the damage rather than the player. The problem is the shield can only be used with preset weapons then

Edited by flamenx01
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I had it open in a tab when trying to find the mod the OP mentioned:

Thanks Flamenx01. It's a nice looking model.


One of the riot shield in CNR (Caesars New Regime) is done as a weapon (with a machete) so when the shield is hit the weapon condition takes the damage rather than the player. The problem is the shield can only be used with preset weapons then

That's an interesting way of approaching the problem.

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The boss is a separate piece too, so basically it can get even more riot shield -y.

Nice. It also looks like a lot of riot shields have a police decal on them like this one, pic;








So adding that may increase immersion. Maybe adding "L.A.P.D." to pair with teh ranger combat armor.


Pretty much just needs someone to fill the rectangle in the middle with a wavy fractal for the dirty glass and give it a low alpha.

I wonder if the alpha may solve the pipboy problem mentioned under the description. If the alpha is high and and the texture isn't too busy (at least where the wrist lies), maybe the pipboy would show through the shield as per normal and it could be on a different body slot. Although sometimes adding a alpha over an alpha (doesn't the pipboy have an alpha on the screen) can have some funky results.


Anyway I'd be happy to muck around with it Moraelin if your busy or would rather not mess with it.

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Well, it doesn't really matter which body slot. As it's placed, you basically put the shield over your head to look at the pipboy on the arm. It's more like the pipboy slot was already rigged with the left arm, but there's nothing to keep you from doing your own rigging and make it a satchel or whatnot.


As for messing with it, go for it. It's flagged as modder resource for a reason.


Edit: hell, if you find some clever way to equip it, I might even bring over the templar shields from Skyrim too.

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Well, it doesn't really matter which body slot. As it's placed, you basically put the shield over your head to look at the pipboy on the arm. It's more like the pipboy slot was already rigged with the left arm,

Yeah that makes sense. Rigging it to the twist bone may give it a slightly different orientation in regard to the axis of the forearm. Might be worth exploring.


As a sort of unrealistic alternative, maybe naming it upperbody might be a solution. I believe upperbody isn't rendered in the 1st person skeleton, so it woudln't be visible when looking at the pipboy, but then again it wouldn't be visible in 1st person view the rest of the time either, so that's probably a dead end.


but there's nothing to keep you from doing your own rigging and make it a satchel or whatnot.

OK, no problem to rig it to any vertex group or envelope, if it helps.


As for messing with it, go for it. It's flagged as modder resource for a reason.

Good deal, yeah just wanted to make sure we didn't duplicate our efforts if you planned on filling the request. I'll mess around with it a bit.


Edit: hell, if you find some clever way to equip it, I might even bring over the templar shields from Skyrim too.

Templar shields, like kite shields? Honestly I think you have the perfect shape for riot shields in your legion scutum, and if your talking wasteland equivalents, signs, manhole covers etc, seem like a better choice. But hey I could see some interesting scenarios for a more traditional shield shape. A swords and sorcer's VR would be interesting, a museum etc

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