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Fun With Evil Characters


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Generally when playing Morrowind/Oblivion I try to keep as many NPSs alive as possible, unless it's quest related. This is so I won't ruin any future quests and to keep the world...lively. The world seems cold and empty without people NPCs walking about.

I have made a few "temporary" evil characters. After you kill everyone there's not much to do, so I start over again. I like making two evil characters; the barbarian (slaughtering everyone in sight, usually become a werewolf) and a sneaky vampire thief.


So, what evil characters have you made, if any?

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Most of the time, I created a Woof Elf Archer and go around sniping the city guards. Usually I'd pick off the three guards patrolling Seyda Neen and then head to Gnisis and shoot all of the guards there. Most of the time, I racked up enough kills to incur a death warrant after I got done at Gnisis. If I'm in a particularly evil mood, I just use cheats and create a mega character that runs around killing everything and everyone.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Many times I kill the quest essential people like Vivec. I like the whole you cannot complete the quest thing you get. Then its off to Suran and the House of Worldly Delight or something like that.
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