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Modding Speculation?


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It would be hilarious if they used a new file that .nifs couldn't be changed into. The reason being because nothing from Oblivion could be ported over :P

I don't quite see how that would even be possible, or in any way funny.


Or is it funny in a "Ha ha! Your modding is ruined!" kind of way? Because I don't find that sort of thing funny.


I don't know much about morrowind, I played it but never modded it. Anyways, isn't this how it was between morrowind and Oblivion? Nothing could be ported over?


Aside from that question, I hope it will be possible. The plethora of mods available in Oblivion right now would make the prospect of having to start from scratch in Skyrim kind of unappealing. Of course, as technology improves, isn't this something that will be an inevitable occurance?

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I get what you're trying to say, better to not explain it I know!


Anyways when I tried modding in Morrowind and Oblivion I just could not get it, the light bulb did not turn on. .nif or not I just want the modding tools to be understandable to me so I can mod. The point about the files is gamebryo uses it. If Beth made a "new" engine then I would say not, but since they basically rewrote the whole code to the gamebryo, I would say no still. Because how would it be a new engine if it uses the same .nif files as the gamebryo, especially since gamebryo only uses it. For the creation engine to be truly new it would say they need to make a different ".nif" file, to tell the difference between engines.

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In the newest interview Todd Howard said Skyrim will still use the .nif format and as most of you know we get another toolset so fret not they are looking out for the modding community they know we are a major part of the reason why people still play Marrowind and Oblivion.
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I heard that also. There is a quote of the relevant section in the Niftools forum thread.

This news has made me very happy! I like working with nifs anyway and it means a lot for our hopes to be making stuff for skyrim as soon as we can!


It will surely be a new nif format tho and now they are using havok behavior for animation. It is also possible that they have a bit idiosyncratic implementation of the havok as in the past.

All very exciting tho.

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As far as I could see, the Havok behaviour thing was more of a workflow tool than anything else.


I've still got a horrid feeling it's going to be a single minimally boned skeleton for all humanoids so we end up with exactly the same wooden hair and clothing we've has since Morrowind. Even their eye candy girl shot. All npc's in that shot had hair neck length or shorter from what I could see and a few of the armors I've seen have the same glued on look during footage.


As for modding, Devs actually helped modders with figuring out the morrowind models I think and they did release an exporter eventually, problem was, Beth were very behind in their 3ds max versions, so it wasn't much use for a lot of people

(I could be wrong here)


Off topic, but look at this, the clothing, armour and equipment as the chars run, walk and ride (and yeah yeah ignore the bewbs :tongue: ):

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