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Some mod making NPCs only say "Hey" with no vioce involved eit


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I was playing the game one day and when I went to a NPC to talk his dialogue box said -Hey-... When I saw this I was confused thinking it was the mod, but when I went to another NPC from another mod the same thing happened. Now a lot of NPCs are saying -Hey- and I cannot finish the mod quests. I have a thought that if this were to be the effect of a mod/bug it could be fixed. If anyone can help or tell me the mod/bug that caused it I would be very greatfull. Although, until then I remain in a very unpredictable position. :(

Please help...

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You may want to try turning off some of the mods you have loaded, to see when the problem goes away. If you can find one mod which is causing it, you may want to post on the endorsement thread for the mod (which the author presumably reads) and/or send a PM to the author.
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You may want to try turning off some of the mods you have loaded, to see when the problem goes away. If you can find one mod which is causing it, you may want to post on the endorsement thread for the mod (which the author presumably reads) and/or send a PM to the author.

I have plenty of mods and it would take me a while to do what you said. Although, I have tried that with the mods closest (in date/time of download) to the date when the problem came to my attention. I think that it could be due to a mod that bugs due to progression in the storyline/quest. Maybe it could be SilverPeakBunker's quest or ForTheEnclave's quest, but those mods are too valuable to deactivate. I will try to deactivate them...

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Please post if you have any luck. I'm having a similar issue. My problem is that I can't initiate conversation with any NPCs, I get them in my sights, hit E to talk and they just face me and then turn away (if they weren't facing me to begin with). It's really annoying, but more so, it's also making me unable to play the game. In particular, I'm doing Sunny's tutorial quests and when we get to the boulders before the first batch of geckos, well she just stands there.


I know it's not an issue with just Sunny though cause nobody will talk to me, not even Easy Pete.. and he'll talk to anybody!

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I don't know how many mods you have installed but I just left this for another poster having trouble with dialogue. He is running 158 active mods. I don't know if this is either of your problems, but never hurts to check out all angles when a solution is not readily evident. My response to the other poster is below. I hope it helps you as well.


I don't know if this has any relevance to your problem, but I've seen several threads/comments indicating that others started seeing/experiencing odd bugs and glitches once they hit the 150th mod mark. I guess that could be the problem. From what I've read, although presumably NV would function well with up to 250 mods like Oblivion, not many people had been able to pull that off with NV. Again, around 150 seemed to be the magic number where problems would begin to show up.


Hope that helps!

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