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Races mod request


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I'd like a races mod, but before you decide not to do it, please read the entire post.

It would mean a lot to me if someone could help, ALSO, try starting at the second paragraph (under the ---) if you want to know how I'll help.


Can someone make a Star Wars race mod for skyrim? With the following races:
(not in any order lol)
Kaleesh (cyborg)
Zabarak (cyborg)
Mandalorian (cyborg)
human (cyborg)
Sith (cyborg)
Jedi (Cyborg)
Also I can help you with designing SOME models. I'm good at drawing and I can send you Imgur links to any model I have drawn. I also don't mind if you add other races, but if you do, I won't be able to draw them, I'm best at drawing the races I listed here. (BTW if you make sith/jedi I was thinking of them pretty much being an attribute to existing races, like, say, a human sith or a kaleesh jedi...)

I'd also like to help by providing voices for shouts, I'll do the voices for the kaleesh (and cyborg variation) since I am great with their accent (and doing gen. Grievous' voice) I can also make 5 or 6 cyborg variations- so long as you add a slider bar to make your cyborg character more or less cybernetic. I can also help you with other voices, just ask me what voices to make and I'll do it. I can also upload a video on youtube with the voice recordings in the background showing off a slideshow for the textures and models, you can get the voices with this free converter: http://www.youtube-mp3.org/
Also I will link the video in the comments or the images in the comments (you pick what you want- video, sketches individually linked, or both.)
I'd like to help as much as I can, but I don't know how to make models on the computer (with programs like miku-miku dance or blender.) So the best I can do is sketches. Also, I can help by listing the powers to give the diff. races.

*A base buff is a buff from the original species- E.G.> A kaleesh cyborg still gets the health/stamina buff, light armor buff, and combat buffs.

Night eye (automatic in dark areas)
A buff to light armor, ranged weapons, one-handed and two handed weapons.
A buff to speed and jump height
A buff to health (+20 at start) and stamina (+40 at start)

Battle cry

Kaleesh Cyborg>
Rage power up to increase damage and heavy armor
A buff to quadruple jump height and negate fall dmg
All base buffs

Buff to one handed weapons
Buff to two handed weapons

Battle cry

Zabarak Cyborg>
Triple jump height, less fall dmg
All base buffs

A buff to ranged weapons
Battle cry

Mandalorian Cyborg>
Double jump height

Battle cry
Buff to ranged weapons and light armor
Human Cyborg>
Double jump height

Force tricks
Buff to one handed
Any other racial buffs from base species
(E.G. A kaleesh would still have combat buffs)
Force jump (quadruple jump height, no fall dmg. If you're a kaleesh cyborg Jedi, you'll have 8x regular jump height and no fall damage. WOW.)


Force tricks
Buff to one handed
Any other racial buffs from base species
(E.G. A kaleesh would still have combat buffs)
Force jump (quadruple jump height, no fall dmg. If you're a kaleesh cyborg Sith, you'll have 8x regular jump height and no fall damage. WOW.)

Edited by DovahkiinGenGrievous
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