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Better Clothes for Robert's Average Body - Alpha


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This is for the version of Robert's bodies discussed here:




It's basically the original with the "average body" update.


This download is a set of meshes replacing only those clothes in the game that have skin showing - you know, the ones that have annoying invisible parts when you use Robert's. I wasn't planning to do any clothes, because frankly I prefer armor, but it was just breaking my immersion what with all the beggars and etc. in lowerclass clothing.


Why is it an alpha? Well, all I really did was replace the body parts - I only tweaked the mesh where it was absolutely necessary to avoid really ugly clipping. A few things will have some clipping anyway, since I did this in basically three hours on Saturday night. So the clothes aren't really shaped as if they have Robert's body under them - still sort of thickwaisted and the shoulders aren't as big.


A few pics to show you what I mean:












And that download is:





Oh, and one last thing:


This SHOULD work with ANY version of Robert's bodies. They'll look like they have average body parts, but you shouldn't have the invisibility bug you get with the default bodies (because of the texture paths).


DO NOT try to use it with default bodies; you'll just get invisible skin.

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