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Looking for mod requests and ideas


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Before you get flooded with desperate requests. You guys dont know how to mod yet?


Or what skills in modding does your group have? Modeling? Scripting? Level design?

I can level design and am a beginner at modelling and scripting but I understand the jist of it, we have a beginner modder who is teaching himself at the moment and research and dev guy and a beginner texture artist. We are a small group but everyone has to start somewhere

Edited by lewisthekingleaman
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OK, i'm not really a mod maker, because i don't know anything about modding. But i can be at good use if you need some voice acting for a quest mod or something. Not that i have voice acted before, but i am an actor. So contact me if you need help! Edited by captainscroof
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Soon you could join or take over my Vanatinai - simply because I'm going to make it more of an open-source project, once I get to a next stable release, "pretty good oldschool adventure game". Won't stop there, because adventure games these days are to be played with a walkthrough, and an rpg could do better than that.

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