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Stuck on MOD quest.... quest won't progress and I can't get out of area


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I tried out the The NeverEnding Story MOD for Oblivion and this quest will not let you back into Tamriel until it is completed......


Trouble is, the quest won't progress past a certain part...... as where the NPC's are supposed to talk to me to progress the stage..... I just get a cancel chatting option .......so I am stuck there unable to continue the game



The previous saves are from way back.... so I would have to start the oblivion gates quest again.... and I really cannot be bothered to do that..... and the last 3 saves are from this MOD


I have tried console command to get to a different location...... but the quest takes all your items..... clothes, swords... EVERYTHING..... and I was in the process of the Knights of the nine quest, so can't proceed with that



Any help would be appreciated

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Whenever I get stuck somewhere I always coc bravilmagesguild. Did you try the coc command? Regarding your equipment, if you can get back to Cyrodiil, use the player.additem console command with the item ids to get them back.


I hope this works for you.

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