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Need some UV/Texture help


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Ok well I am working on a set of Elf ears and am about done i think, however When i try to do the unwrap this is what i come up with (image two) I am looking for a texture artist to be able to make a texture for the ears and am not sure that the UVmap is actually usable for anything so 1.) If the UV map is not usable i would like a step by step directions in doing a proper UV Map from beginning to end in Blender (this is one tutorial i used). And 2.) I need one of you awesome texture artist to give life to me ears please :) I really sux at creating textures (i can alter and adjust them fine just cannot create anything new :( ) If you are interested I can send you what ever you will need to make it poossible. (would still like to have that step by step though ;) ) Yes these will be allowed as they weren't "Elf Ears" when i started :tongue:










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Hi Riven.

Your right, thats a horrid UV map, but not to worry.

To get the best unwrap for your ears I would suggest doing an `unwrap from view,' via blender.

To do this propperly for your ears do the following;


1. - go into side veiw (default 3 on numpad)

2. - highly the ear you are looking at, not both.

3. - Hit U in the 3d view - A menu will pop up , your looking for either unwrap from veiw or project from veiw. One of the two.


Doing this will cause the ears to keep their shape, however, this is not a GREAT uv map.....It will skin the item better than what you have but you may have streching and/or some bad quality issues.


I think a big problem may be your model. Ears are tricky to model, they depend on having a good edge flow.

In the uv map screen I can see a lot of vertices, far more than I would wager you need.


If you want, You can upload the blend file to a secure location, I shall download it, and see if I can teach you how to improve upon it.


- Hope I helped

Allan :pirate:

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Well as you can see that made a ULTRA MEGA HUGE difference IMO :D thanx for the help I sent you the link to where you can download the file i am working on, as of right now I am thinking is that it needs a good texture artist, and for that i am poorly suited >.<




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ears are relatively simply to mod.

Once more thing I would suggest for this to make it look more seamless would be to resize the bottom half of the uv's.


Do this by selecting the bottom vertices, the ones that form the basic human ear, and resize them so that they go over the original skin.

This way, you SHOULD get a nice, clean human ear texture.

As for the top half, You will want to find a plain area of skin, as the ear does ont contain any major veins or blushing ect, you will probbably want to put the top vetices on his .....well, from the pictures provided - The neckline. :)


As I say, pm me any questions you have.

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haha well.. I received a very good copy of a certain companion that was replacing Veronica and i wanted the person who made it to release the problem was that it was using some ripped items so since i was the one who requested that it be released i figured i would be the one to help making it releasable :) Besides your ears are just made out of cartilage so who's to say that radiation couldn't deform them as well ;)
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There actually is a rare genetic mutation that causes pointy ears. Well, more T'Pol/Spock kind than floppy elf ears, but still. Apparently most people with that get plastic surgery, and you never know they have it.


And then there are people born with perfectly good ears who get plastic surgery to make them pointy.

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I actually know a few girls that had their ears done but not by a hospital, kind of like home piercing type deal >.< Bah i can't even get my tounge pierced without bawling like a baby... then i join the military and so much for that :rollseyes: hehe now that i have been out again just thinking about getting it done again sends quivers up my spine. oh well



well the ears are done now waiting on one of you excellent texture artists to answer the call ;) when i do it i looks like a finger painting you would hang on your fridge that your kid made you :(

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Figured i would try to bump this since it has been about 3 days :) still looking for one of you Awesome Texture Artists to Jump in cause i am not having any luck getting anything close to usable >.<
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