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Where is a good place to start a team?


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I have a very large mod I want to create and would like to start a team for it. I have a very detailed overview of game including a 43 page document regarding the world of the mod and an actual book that I've written that the mod will be based off of. I am looking for a place that could help me start a team. Any help pointing me in a direction will be much appreciated.
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This is a good place to start, but people won't join just because you say you have good ideas. I'm not saying you can't do it, but people want an experienced team leader. You should show people exactly what you want to do with your mod, perhaps show screenshots or concept art, that sort of thing. You should also know that making a very large mod will take a ton of time, and more often than not will never reach completion.


Good luck :thumbsup:

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Alright guys, thanks for the info. Was just looking for an actual place to post it =) I actually have lots of experience including a bachelor's degree in game design from digipen in Seattle =) I'll be getting the post up this week. Thanks again!
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Hey there! Start with anyone you know personally that has experience. Any collegues or such that may be interested in helping you it is possibly the best place to start. It's better if you can meet with your fellow team members versus emailing back and forth. I'm currently in Digital Animation and Game Design at Ferris State Unitversity in Grand Rapids, Michigan and having said that, gives people the incentive that I know stuff! ;)

Anyways, talk with friends first before going to a forum because you will most likely have a better chance of getting stuff done when you know your team. Good luck!

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