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Dig A Hole - Placable Underground Home.


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OK this is an idea similir to Live Anywhere - Constructable Shacks. But isntead of a shack it focuses on digging a small underground cave to take up shelter in. any thoughts?

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There was a project like this, it involved building and upgrading a cave in a style much like Hearthfire's. Though I am unsure if it was ever finished.


Anyway this is probably not exactly what you're looking for, but my current project involves digging out a cave and constructing a Halfling Home in its place. Not quite as you've requested, but similar I believe :)

Edited by TheBawb
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Shouldn't be too difficult- build the underground home in a separate worldspace, then have an equipable object that you can drop to make a door. Drop the door in the location and at first you have a small unimproved cave, Then work or buy improvements and the cave gets upgraded ( replaced with the new version) -


Method #1. To make a new room, buy a new door, and place it where you want the room. - the door has the new room attached. Using this, each room would be in it's own worldspace and you could place it anywhere.

Pro: - you can put the new room anywhere. con: you will go through a loading screen to go into each room


Method #2. You are limited to a specific layout, and each time you dig a new room, the entire cell is replaced with a new version that includes the new room.

Pro: the entire home is a single cell - no loading to go from room to room, Con: Each new room MUST go in a specific place.

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