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Getting Hunterborn and RND to work


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I recently downloaded and installed Hunterborn, and Realistic Needs and Diseases, along with other mods, for my game.


When I first started, everything was running smoothly except for RND, which seemed to not be appearing at all, even if it was installed. No matter, I'll try out the other mods, then deal with it later. I tried to butcher a goat, and use Hunterborn. It worked until I tried to open my items menu. Then the whole game crashed with no warning to my desktop. I thought it might be because I clicked the option for Hunterborn and RND to work together, so I reinstalled RND and tried to play. NOW for some reason, I can't get either to show up on my MCM menu, and there seems to be no sign that they're even installed, save for NMM saying they are. I've tried reinstalling, starting a new game, and letting it sit for an hour to see if it would appear, but I can't get anything to work.


Does anyone have any ideas, or should I just delete those two and move on?




Thanks for any help someone might have!!!

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