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OBSE minimizes the game Main Screen?


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Any ideas about my problem with OBSE, latest version? Here's what it is doing: I played for 2 days without changing anything; not the load order, no mods added no mods de-activated. I just played oblivion. On the third day, I went to OBSE, (ran as administrator) it loaded the game, but when it gets to the Main Menu screen, it is Minimized in my tray at the bottom of my screen. If I click on it to try to restore the size, it crashes. If I do nothing, I can hear the music of the main menu page, while it is minimized.

I CAN play the game with the Oblivion shortcut. But I can not use OBSE in any way.


I have BOSS, OBMM, and Wrye bash.


Using the little links at the bottom of Wrye Bash, I can launch BOSS and OBMM, but not Oblivion + OBSE


Does this sound familiar to anyone?

Thanks in advance!

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OK, now OBSE is working. I have changed nothing, so I must still have some problem. But yesterday I tried 7 times with no luck. Today I have successfully loaded the game 3 times in a row???????????????

Wrye bash still can not launch OBSE and Oblivion. I get this error message:

[Error 740] The requested operation requires elevation

Used Path: C:\Game\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\obse_loader.exe

Used Arguments:


Traceback (most recent call last):

File "C:\Game\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 12854, in Execute


File "C:\Game\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Mopy\basher.py", line 12696, in Execute

subprocess.Popen(exeArgs, executable=exePath.s, close_fds=True) #close_fds is needed for the one instance checker

File "C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py", line 623, in __init__

errread, errwrite)

File "C:\Python26\lib\subprocess.py", line 833, in _execute_child


WindowsError: [Error 740] The requested operation requires elevation

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