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Quality of Ring or Amulet


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This mod probably already exists but I must not be getting my keywords right. I think it's a shame that if I enchant a ring or amulet it doesn't matter if it's gold or brass the enchant remains the same. Is there a way to make a small multiplier based on the price of the item to give the enchant a boost? Nothing game breaking, just a little incentive to use the quality stuff for enchants.
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I don't think such a mod exist.

Though I understand your logic about it if it was RL.

But not game logic.

1. The prices of these are near to worthless.

2. If you enhance something you just want the best outcome.


So I don't think this will be created based on price alone. If it was material that is a different story. But still unlikely to be created.

This more a crafting/enhancement request. This sadly never got much attention from namely Bethseda and the latter modders...

Hopefully in Skyrim this will be diffrent...



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Intense scripting, perhaps OBSE.


I know for a fact Morrowind had this. The higher quality the ring/amulet/clothing/armor (yep, all of them had different charge), the more of a charge/enchantment it could hold. Then again, Morrowind had Enchant as a skill, while Oblivion does not.


I think it may be possible, but I haven't looked at every command the OBSE-Magic section of the CS wiki has yet. Only the ones I've needed.

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