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wrye bash issues

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Im probably not the first, but ive searched and searched and still havent found a solution, im trying to get nvamp running on my vegas install, i followed the instructions and downloaded and installed all the stuff it wanted, but ive gotten to the part in the instructions where it wants me to run wrye bash and merge the files into the basher patch, except wrye bash wont open, ive deleted and installed the python 03a twice, but im not sure if im puttin the python 03a files in the right place, no one rly specified where to install it, but i did put the wrye bash stuff in my vegas directory like it said, but the program just will not run, im lost, any help plz! lol also im on windows 7. i even tried fnvedit and still nothing Edited by ngforever1989
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I got mine to work through the command line try the following commands (no need to use "Run As Administrator" this way either): first type "chdir C:\Program Files (x86)\Bethesda Softworks\Fallout New Vegas\Mopy" in the command line to change to the Mopy directory then, "c:\python25\python.exe bash.py -d" to launch wyre bash (these are my personal paths though so you may have to change some syntax), hope this works for you I'm on 7 too and it's a friggin pain. Also have you copied the Bashed Patch, 0.esp file from the Mopy/Extras folder into your data folder? Edited by Qualanqui
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