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Sunset Sarsaparilla's Wild Wild West World


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Oddly I can't find any listing of it online...but I had several old Acme Mail Order catalogs from the 1920s-1950s that I found in my great aunt's one house, place had been a shipping house that started out as a Pony Express office, over a hundred years of stuff that never got to it's intended destination, shipping records and catalogs in that place.

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looking it up myself...Acme itself was not actually a single company.

I'm afraid that's the dead end I ran into as well



Oddly I can't find any listing of it online...but I had several old Acme Mail Order catalogs from the 1920s-1950s that I found in my great aunt's one house, place had been a shipping house that started out as a Pony Express office, over a hundred years of stuff that never got to it's intended destination, shipping records and catalogs in that place.

No worries, but do you recall any type of character or anything distinctive about them? Anything that might add a bit of personality to teh company?

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Well, there was, "The department store that comes to your door.", that seemed to be their slogan for a long time; and the fact that they went crazy for automation and gadgets. From industrial automation ("Quality goods from our fully automated factories!"), to farms (everything from automatic milkers to harvesters and tractors), to the home (every kind of conceivable gadget and appliance made). It was like they had as big a love of the "home/kitchen/whatever of tomorrow" stuff as I did. They sold everything from clothing, appliances to household goods and the mentioned farm equipment.


The absolute love of gadgetry and automation is what really makes it seem a great fit really, you got the feeling looking through the catalogs that if they could have managed the "Acme Push-button Automated Home" that Daffy was trying to sell to Porky in the one cartoon they would have been in heaven. So give a company with that kind of taste a world with robots, and they'd be cranking them out for any purpose they could think of, right alongside any kind of gadgetry that was possible and regular goods.

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In the way of Sarsaparilla Vending Machines, I'm thinking maybe having them sell you Sarsaparilla bottles? Aswell as sunset Sam's voice saying "Good choice"

or something along those lines, Aswell as maybe some announcements from Sunset Sam, Much like real theme parks

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In the way of Sarsaparilla Vending Machines, I'm thinking maybe having them sell you Sarsaparilla bottles? Aswell as sunset Sam's voice saying "Good choice"

or something along those lines, Aswell as maybe some announcements from Sunset Sam, Much like real theme parks

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  • 3 weeks later...

is this mod still being worked on

Oh yeah. Over the weekend I began working on new perks for the path of the gunslinger using Kostya8411's method to allow three tiers for the perk. Double 357's, double 44 mags and double 45-70's. And last night began working on a new model of gutsy/handy with 4 arms (for the higher Marks (III through V or VI) that was purchased from BigMT.

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Now. Let me get this straight....This is supposed to be some kind of Western themed town with gear and situations Mimicing that of the old Spagethi Westerns?


Because if So I am so excited for that. Been wanting a mod like that for so damn Long! "Gosh Darn Those Nuka Indians!"


Oh hell I want "Deadwood+NV+Kansas+ The Good, The Bad and the Ugly + Hell On Wheels = Guts and Glory " Jubalie and all that. I hope I am right in this assumption, as I found that there were certain area's in NV that seemed perfect for certain Wild West scenes (e.g Bonnie Springs for a showdown.. I dont know what it is about that place but it always just seemed to be begging for a gun fight scene.) Plus the whole desert scene and even the rangers get ups could were almost authentic. As for this Wild West World, if your panning on making something that bit more interesting might I suggest having something happen if you have the Sunset Badge with you?

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Now. Let me get this straight....This is supposed to be some kind of Western themed town with gear and situations Mimicing that of the old Spagethi Westerns?

Hey brother, I'm right there with you. I looooooooove the spaghetti westerns.


But, alas, while this mod has many of the spaghetti western elements, it's more strongly geared to (because of fallout lore) the golden age of hollywood westerns of the 1950's. John Wayne, 10 gallon hats, clearly defined heroes and villains etc. And all of it wrapped up in a western themed disneyland, along with the whole cowboy action shooting thing and massive antique/replica gun shows. Add liberal doses of Sunset Sarsaparilla advertising, products and sponsorship.


Mix all of the above, throw in a child like mind running the park mainframe, along with 100's or 1000's of people trapped trapped in teh valley when the bombs fell and let percolate for two centuries.

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Wow. Part of this mod has the ability to become very disturbing if done right. Not intentionally linked to the main quest but small hints depicting what happened when the gates closed and locked thousands of people inside.

I am really looking forward to playing this mod.

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